June 16, 2013

  • Silver Beach Toys

    As Xanga appears headed for history ... I posted a video of some toys from the history of Silver Beach, St. Joseph, Michigan.

    Here's a postcard from back in the day.

    If you looked at the 1 minute video ...Which ride would've been your favorite?

Comments (3)

  • I would have enjoyed the carousel, or maybe the ferris wheel. That's a neat group of toys -- and similar to the rides that used to be a part of the Santa Monica Pier. They had another one that was sort of interesting -- a barrel ride, based on centrifugal force -- you lined up around the inside of the barrel, which then spun as the floor dropped.

  • Cool. The only one I'd want to ride would be the carousel. And I'd want to ride the tiger or maybe the zebra. Or a black horse with a green and purple saddle!!

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