May 14, 2013

  • Best Advice Your Mom Ever Gave.

    Saw the following on, and thought it was a gem:

    "You don't marry a man, you marry a lifestyle." 
    Who you marry has the largest impact not just on your emotional life, but also on your lifestyle.

    Both the large and small things in your daily life and long term plans will be impacted by your significant other's likes, dislikes, habits, schedule, health, personality, moods, job stresses, financial security, family, and situation.  

    For instance, how often will you go on vacations, and where will you go?  What type of food will you eat, and who will cook it?   Where will you live, and how clean will the house be?  What TV shows and movies will you watch, and how often? When the toothpaste or toilet paper runs out will your partner get more or expect you to?  How much sleep will you get?  How many children will you have and how will they be raised?  How many cars will you have, and will you lease or buy?  Will you be in debt or have a large savings?  

    Lucky for me, I married my best friend and someone who fits my lifestyle.  Jay Wacker, who loves to travel, cook, watch Game of Thrones, take pictures and who can be silly and serious.  

    He also introduced me to Quora.  


    What's the best piece of advice your mom ever gave you?

Comments (2)

  • ?? I thought you were married to saintvi! Who is Jay Wacker and why did you marry him?! Does saintvi know about this?

    Best advice? Hmm. I'm not sure. My grandmother told me to take every opportunity to bathe with my husband - it would make everything fun. She was a card!

  • @murisopsis -  Thanks for two early morning laughs! 

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